
1. 例會場地確認 Location: Still in pending depend on the C-19 situation. TENTATIVE

2. 提議例會角色輪值制 Proposed to set up Roster for the role of the meeting: REJECTED. Attended officers preferred to maintain the current operation setting: flexible mode

3. 提議增加反饋機制 Proposed to add feedback note in the monthly meeting for all attendees: AGREED.

4. 提議例會大綱微改版 Proposed: to add prepared speech hints on the back of the Agenda: AGREED.


1. 提議小額收費機制 : In order to develop and operate the club, attended officers agree to ask for members for a little bit of extra fees for the club operation. The amount of fees will be discussed with President, Treasurer, VPM etc. Willingness to help on refreshment and annual gathering meals preparedness and may use some money from the club on this. TENTATIVE

Vice President Membership:

1. 提議 設立 本會 媒體社群 Proposed to set up our club own social media: could be an independent website and/or Facebook page: greed but need to discuss the budget with President, Treasurer and Secretary. AGREED

Pro: transparency, marketing, recording, cheap, and benefit for club imagine promoting.

Con: Need club officers to learn for website management, need payment (US$25), needs manpower to manage the websites.

Vice President Education:

1. To fit to our club (limited of members), preferred to maintain the current roster by voluntary based.

2. Happy and agreed to add some knowledge into Meeting Agenda.

3. Have given an example from the JP Morgan Club that prepared a review booklet for all members in the end of the year.

Vice President Public Relations: [absence]

1. 提議 發展公共關係技能 Proposed to develop public relationship skills. (not be discussed yet) 

2. 提議 建立社群媒體 Proposed to create some videos and content on social media. AGREED 

3. 提議 IG平台 Proposed to set up an Intergram channel and Facebook is not necessarily: TENTATIVE

VPM suggested that the IG is not the priority as the context of the club is not fit to the channel. Educational context would be better to be acknowledge on an independent website (high quality) and facebook (interactive)


Happy to support all officers roles if needed. Being fixable. Not specific expect for the role.
